NYPD Domestic Surveillance Lawsuit Reinstated
Yes, the one about wholesale spying on Arab- and Muslim-Americans.
Yes, the one about wholesale spying on Arab- and Muslim-Americans.
There’s an excellent story out today from Defense One’s Molly O’Toole that highlights the idiocy — and cruelty — of the U.S. government’s…
In my recent piece on allegations of the doctoring of intelligence estimates on ISIS produced by the United States Central Command…
There are three additional actions America could take to help move the U.S.-Iranian relationship forward — revive cultural exchanges, allow students to study in each other’s country, and reestablish diplomatic relations. All three of these would help average Iranians understand their government’s propaganda is a lie, and
I read with interest Professor Larry Lesig’s recent Huffington Post piece announcing his exploratory “Presidency as referendum” initiative…
Successful political movements have usually been built around good core ideas, not delimited by something like age. Call it the American…
There is a very interesting article out today in IT World that’s worth reading if you want to get a sense of who really stands to benefit…
I saw him less than two weeks ago. My Border Collie/Springer Spaniel mix, Jib, was having some GI issues. Keith was his usual self — funny…
This week, the House Committee on Homeland Security will consider the “Countering Violent Extremism Act”, offered by the committee…
Retired Army General Anthony Taguba has an interesting family history piece out today that was clearly written as a celebration of the best…
It all began two years ago today
Misleading Press Coverage on Senate Votes Omits Key Facts