George Floyd’s State-sponsored murder

If you want to read a piece that puts Mr. Floyd’s murder in the proper historical context, let me suggest the one by Defending Rights and…

If you want to read a piece that puts Mr. Floyd’s murder in the proper historical context, let me suggest the one by Defending Rights and Dissent Communications Director Quentin Anderson. BLUF:

What happened to George Floyd could have happened to any Black man in America. What happened to George Floyd has happened to plenty of Black men in America. What happened to George Floyd was predictable because what happened to George Floyd has happened to Tamir Rice, Breonna Taylor, Laquan McDonald, Eric Gardner, and Alton Sterling, America has witnessed these racial assassinations in real time. Americans know. It’s completely unreasonable to believe that those who resort to involving law enforcement in seemingly innocuous incidents with Black men are doing so oblivious to the very real possibility that doing so could and has resulted in the death of said Black men.

Full piece here.